dr inż. Robert Straka
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Konsultacje: poniedziałek 12:00-14:00, B-4, parter, pok. 2
Tematyka badawcza: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lattice Boltzmann Method, Chaos & Fractals, Mathematical Biology, Combustion, Heat & Mass Transfer
Udział w projektach (projekty realizowane w ostatnich kilku latach):
Grant Dziekański nr - Mathematical modelling of flue gases and lava flow during rock melting in shaft furnace, 2013
Grant Dziekański nr (kontynuacja) - Mathematical modelling of flue gases and lava flow during rock melting in shaft furnace 2014
NPRH - 0020/NPRH4/H2b/83/2016 - Twórcze programowanie. Laboratorium. 2016-2018
GACR - 18-09539S - Large structures in the boundary layers over complex surfaces in high Reynolds numbers, 2018-2021
Wybrane publikacje:
Retention of S with lignite using cedarnut shell in the co-combustion process performed in a fluidized bed combustor / W. JERZAK, Z. KALICKA, E. KAWECKA-CEBULA, R. STRAKA // Combustion Science and Technology ; ISSN 0010-2202. — 2018 vol. 190 no. 4, s. 707–720, https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2017.1406929
Application of cellular automata and Lattice Boltzmann methods for modelling of additive layer manufacturing/ D. Svyetlichnyy, M. Krzyzanowski, R. Straka, L. Lach, W. M. Rainforth // International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow// Vol. 28 Issue: 1, pp.31-46, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-10-2016-0418
New Cascaded Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method for simulations of advection-diffusion and convective heat transfer / K. V. Sharma, R. Straka, F.W. Tavares // International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 118, pp. 259-277, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2017.04.020
Numerical model of a shaft furnace operation/ R. Straka, T. Telejko // International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow Vol. 27 Issue: 5, pp.1172-1184, https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-04-2016-0157
Heme oxygenase 1 affects granulopoiesis in mice through control of myelocyte proliferation/ Bukowska-Strakova K, Ciesla M, Szade K, Nowak WN, Straka R, Szade A, Tyszka-Czochara M, Najder K, Konturek A, Siedlar M, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A// Immunobiology. 2017 vol. 222 no.3 pp 506-517, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.imbio.2016.10.018
Staże naukowe:
Junior researcher, Jidrich Necas Center for Mathematical Modeling, Prague, Czech Republic 2007-2008.
Profile naukowe:
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6479-7691, http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-8003-2013, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert_Straka2